Movies & Series W/ Louis Wolheim

The Face in the FogThe Face in the Fog
Sherlock HolmesSherlock Holmes
Orphans of the StormOrphans of the Storm
Number 17Number 17
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
The Test of HonorThe Test of Honor
The Poor Rich ManThe Poor Rich Man
A Pair of CupidsA Pair of Cupids
The Eyes of MysteryThe Eyes of Mystery
The House of HateThe House of Hate
The Avenging TrailThe Avenging Trail
The Eternal MotherThe Eternal Mother
The Millionaire's DoubleThe Millionaire's Double
The End of the TourThe End of the Tour
The Brand of CowardiceThe Brand of Cowardice
Dorian's DivorceDorian's Divorce
The Romance of ElaineThe Romance of Elaine
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