Movies & Series W/ Hwang Jang-Lee

The Buddha AssassinatorThe Buddha Assassinator
Lackey and the Lady TigerLackey and the Lady Tiger
The Ring of DeathThe Ring of Death
Challenge of the TigerChallenge of the Tiger
Young HeroYoung Hero
The 36 Deadly StylesThe 36 Deadly Styles
Demon StrikeDemon Strike
The Dragon and the Tiger KidsThe Dragon and the Tiger Kids
The Fearless DuoThe Fearless Duo
Dance of the Drunk MantisDance of the Drunk Mantis
Dragon's ClawsDragon's Claws
Drunken MasterDrunken Master
Snake in the Eagle's ShadowSnake in the Eagle's Shadow
The Invincible ArmourThe Invincible Armour
The Secret Rivals 2The Secret Rivals 2
Snuff Bottle ConnectionSnuff Bottle Connection
Hero of the WildHero of the Wild
Instant Kung Fu ManInstant Kung Fu Man
Secret AgentSecret Agent
The MartialmatesThe Martialmates
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