Set in the poor Mekong Delta coastal village of Thơm Rơm, the film follows the lives of three women, whose love lives are unusual and unique to their nature. The film is narrated from Hau's perspective, as she experiences life with a husband who only has eyes for another woman, and develops her growing friendship with her rival.
- Drama
- Vietnamese
Cast & Crew
- Lê Công Hoàng , Juliet Bảo Ngọc Doling , Phương Anh Đào , Ngô Quang Tuấn , Ngô Phạm Hạnh Thúy , Thạch Kim Long , Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Hiệp , Mai Thế Hiệp
- Bùi Thạc Chuyên
- Trần Anh Việt, Andy Vo