Munda Hi Chahida revolves around a man called Dharminder who lives together with his father and grandmother, his three sisters and two daughters. He is desperately hoping for his next child to be a son. He feels suffocated surrounded by the women in his house and everywhere around him. In a desperate attempt to make his wish come true, he becomes superstitious and consults a local Sadhu who tells him to act as a pregnant father. The story is about Dharminder's journey of growing out of his selfishness and rigidity.
Cast & Crew
- Rubina Bajwa , Neeru Bajwa , Sarabjit Cheema , Harish Verma , Sabrina Bajwa , Jatinder Kaur , Rupinder Rupi , Honey Mattu
- Paramjit Singh, Deepak Thapar, Santosh Thite