The show starts with a visit to Nantucket's Unitarian Universalist church, a beautiful showcase of restrained New England architecture and trompe l'oeil painting built in 1809. At 3 Milk Street, we catch up with general contractor Bruce Killen, who has his building permit and is well into a gut job on the building. Reasons for this dramatic course include the fact that the building will need insulation, upgraded wiring and plumbing, new windows and trim, and a notable change of floor plan; it will also get rid of the bulk lead paint. Outside, mason Don Kissell is accepting a load of concrete for the new addition's footings. Our master carpenter takes a trip to an island plant to see where the concrete is mixed. We hear designer Jock Gifford's report on the Historic District Commission's judgement: the additions were approved, but any exterior details will have to be proven to have been on the building originally. To that end, Syd Conway, who grew up in the house, drops by to share some
- Documentary
- English
Cast & Crew
- Richard Trethewey , Norm Abram , Tom Silva , Steve Thomas Rooney , Roger Cook
- Russell Morash
- Russell Morash, Jennifer Wells, David Vos, Sarah Monzon, Bruce Irving, Hilary Finkel Buxton, Michael Burton, Deborah Hood