The Central Fire and Rescue Station 2 is the heart of the Gelsenkirchen fire department. For five months, the firefighters were accompanied in their everyday work as they responded to fires, technical...
The story of the Gelsenkirchen fire department continues in a total of nine episodes. WDR filmed the second season of FIRE & FLAME at two stations - the already well-known Buer fire and rescue station...
In the third season of the documentary series, the firefighters from the Bochum city center station and the main fire and rescue station in Bochum Werne are accompanied for the first time. The complex...
Season 4 presents the story of the firefighters of the Bochum professional fire department and the active members of the Bochum volunteer fire department in a total of six episodes. This year, long-ti...
In the fifth season, the firefighters and trainees continue to show viewers, in their inimitable way, an emotional and genuine picture of their work, which does not only consist of large-scale operati...
The sixth season of "Feuer & Flamme", which can be seen from January 2023, will for the first time provide insights into the work processes in the control centre of the Bochum fire brigade. Here and d...
With the seventh season, the popular Bochum fire brigade team says goodbye to the cult series after five seasons, in which the firefighters are accompanied by camera teams in their everyday lives 24 h...
With the eighth season, Feuer und Flamme changes the area, because the new episodes were created in collaboration with the Duisburg professional fire department. The WDR chose the new location because...
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6